Titan, Saturn Satellite That Resemble Earth
Titan, Saturn Satellite
What is Titan?
When I say the word "Titan", what's on your mind? Titan in the film? Or is it titanium?
But that is not what I meant. In this article, we will discuss Saturn's largest satellite, Titan. It certainly feels foreign to your mind and ears.
Just as the earth has a natural satellite called the moon, Saturn and other planets must have their own natural satellites. Saturn satellites are called Titan.
Titan is the largest natural satellite owned by Saturn. This satellite is the sixth satellite owned by Saturn. Titan was discovered on March 25, 1655 by a spaceman named Christiaan Huygens.
Titan Moon’s Surface
According to research, Titan is the only satellite that has a dense atmosphere and the only object that has fluids on the surface of its body besides the earth. Titan diameter is 50% greater than the moon with a mass 80% heavier. Titan's atmosphere is also twice as thick as Earth's.
The liquid on Titan looks like the ocean on earth. The ocean contains very cold hydrocarbon compounds. The temperature on Titan is also lower than on earth but astronomers say that the potential for occupancy is quite large. Titan also has a dune and also a basin that is almost the same as the earth. Therefore, many say Titan as a habitable satellite similar to Earth.
Titan’s Facts
Titan also has a lot of unique facts that will make us think that Titan is very similar to earth.
Here are the unique facts from Titan. Among others are,
- Titan has a very low temperature around -179,5oC. This is because the distance is far from the sun
- Titan has an atmosphere twice as thick as Earth's about 98.4% nitrogen. This makes it difficult for astronauts to research and explore this satellite
- Titan also rains in the rain. The difference is, rain on Titan is not water but ethane and methane
- Titan has a volcano that emits methane called Cryovolcanoes
- The atmosphere of Titan has a pressure of 60% greater than that of the earth. The pressure is almost similar to when we are at the bottom of a pond. Therefore, we can float there
The Mystery of Titan Satellites
Until now, there are still a lot of things that are not yet known to the astronauts about the Saturn satellite. So that there is a lot of confusion in the research conducted.
On August 21, 2014, the astronauts discovered irregularities in the Titan Sea. There is a feature that suddenly formed by about 30 miles. As of July 2013 radar has been deployed to identify whether this feature is true or just an error.
However, the feature is real. The astronauts were wondering if this feature is a wave? Or mist? Or is it true that a natural island was formed on this satellite? It all remains a mystery to this day.
In addition, the astronauts also suspect the existence of life on Titan. Due to the depletion of hydrogen which may be thinning it may be due to respiration from the Titan's "creature." However, it is all still in mystery which is still in the process of solving.
Human’s Plans to Live in Titan
According to astronauts, Titan has greater potential for human habitation. Titan's natural resources can meet the needs of 300 million people. Titan also contains a lot of energy sources that humans need such as water, wind, chemistry, even nuclear to the sun.
According to the astronauts, we can also use wind power as a power plant even though the wind is not strong enough, but it still makes sense and can be utilized. The waves in the Titan Sea can also be used as electricity generation.
Even though the waves are not too high, they can still be used. Although the sun is quite far from Titan, its energy can still reach Titan and can still be utilized. In addition, Titan also contains an atmosphere twice thicker than the earth. So, we will be safer and avoid objects that enter the atmosphere.
Therefore, until now astronauts are still researching Titan and other planets and their natural satellites. Maybe in the future we will all move to Titan satellites. Who knows?
Author: Tiara Harindarputri