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Classification of Learning Resources

According to the Educational Communication Technology Association (AECT), learning resources include all sources in the form of data, objects or people that can be used to facilitate students in learning. AECT (Association for Education Corporation and Technology) classifies learning resources into 6 types, namely:
Classification of Learning Resources

Message (massage), is learning information that is delivered in the form of ideas, facts, teachings, values ​​and data. In learning at school, the intended message is all subjects delivered to students.

People are people who act as seekers, keepers, processors, and message presenters. Example: Teachers, lecturers, tutors, librarians, instructors, laboratory assistants, students, community leaders and so on.

Materials (materials / software), is software that contains learning messages, this material or software is usually presented through certain equipment or itself. Example: textbooks, modules, slides, films, audio, modules, videos, books, magazines, and so on.

A device (device / hardware), is hardware that can be used to convey messages stored in material or software. Example: Slide projectors, videos, tape recorders, computers, and so on.

Technique (technique), is a procedure or step prepared in using materials, tools, environment and people who deliver messages. For example demonstrations, discussions, practical work, independent learning, face to face tutorials and so on.

Environment (setting) is a situation around the learning process that is used as a place for students to receive learning messages. The environment is divided into 2 types, namely physical environment and non-physical environment. Physical environment such as school buildings, libraries, laboratories, and so on.

Meanwhile according to Rohani (1997) learning resources are divided into 5, namely:
  1. Learning resources in the form of print such as books, magazines, newspapers and others.
  2. Non-printed learning resources, such as films, slides, videos, audio cassettes and others.
  3. Learning resources in the form of facilities, such as classrooms, libraries, sports fields and others.
  4. Learning resources in the form of activities, such as interviews, group work, observation, and others.
  5. Learning resources in the form of the environment from the community, such as parks, terminals, and so forth.

Judging from its origin, learning sources can be divided into two types, namely:
  1. Learning resources are designed, namely learning resources that are deliberately designed to achieve predetermined learning goals. For example: textbooks, modules, VCD learning programs, audio learning programs, transparency, and so on.
  2. Learning resources that are available and just use it, that is learning resources that are not developed for learning purposes. But it can be utilized in the learning process. For example: newspapers, TV broadcasts, museums and so on.